Written by Raymond Henry CRITCHELL
Monday, 23 November 2009 15:54 |
This is the Victoria Falls Hotel passenger launch which used to take hotel guests for trips up as far as Kandahar Island from their boat house, a very short distance up from the edge of the falls. A very smart and well maintained craft under the control of its captain, Peter Brown, another former Naval Signalman. He used to call us up on his aldis signal lamp to enquire about arrival details of the flying boat and also would pass on details of any young single dolly birds he had on board in case any one from the BOAC bachelor mess wanted to go to the hotel dance that night. As can be seen from the surface of the river, it was a very calm day to day.
A bit of a ripple on the water today. Sometimes, to give a little bit of excitement to the ride for his passengers, Pete would steer into the wake of the Flying boat when it took off. You could hear the squeals of delight [?] from across the river.