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Times to remember Episode 4 - Page 14
Written by Frank Leslie Boswell   
Tuesday, 19 July 2011 17:31
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Times to remember Episode 4
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The Author’s closing note.

Some reading Episodes 2, 3 and 4 of this article may differ from me on certain parts but it must be remembered that most of it is based on my memories which in some parts are more than 50 years ago.

It is a pity the Northern Rhodesia of 1950/60 we knew obviously does not exist anymore. We only have to look at recent photos of the Rhokana Club, Cinema, Swimming pool, Mine Mess and the condition of some of the roads to confirm this. The latter I experienced in 1992 while traveling between Lusaka and Livingstone.

Most people find it hard to understand why I left Zambia as I keep telling them how I miss the smell of fresh air after a thunderstorm, or how we were like one big happy family, or how the mines went out of their way to create a pleasant atmosphere both at work and socially, or how we would behave if we spotted another Copperbelt registered car while on holiday, or the fact that we could afford a garden and house boy.

I like most others left due to the uncertainty of our pension fund after Independence.

I sometimes also firmly believe that strangers to Zambia find it hard to fully accept everything they are told about Zambia. Just imagine telling a South African that the chameleons in Zambia are 10 times bigger than those in South Africa or during your stay of 11 years you never owned a raincoat although the average rainfall per year is around 50 inches or that in your garden you had guavas, paw-paws, avocados, mangos and bananas.

I have been away from Northern Rhodesia/Zambia for 44 years and during this time all I still hear is. “ Those were the good old days” from all ex- Northern Rhodesians/Zambians.

All Ex -Northern Rhodesia /Zambia are blessed with good memories that will fortunately remain with us forever.

After all Zambia is a beautiful country.
