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Pioneering in Botswana - Page 16
Written by Frank Leslie Boswell   
Friday, 02 September 2011 14:08
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Some costs at the time

Here are a few examples how cheap things were in Botswana during our stay from 1967 to 1973 and in Rhodesia in 1993 while on holiday.


  1. A labourer got R6/month with mealie meal rations on a weekly base.
  2.  A cow with a calf R50.
  3. A goat or sheep R5 and you got a R1 back if you traded in the skin. To-day a 20kg lamb will cost you R1200 plus
  4. A 7-ton truck with Mopani wood loaded as high as the cab R5.
  5. A 7-ton truck fully loaded with manure R5 Using this manure my mealies reached the telephone wires and sold at 10cents each. Watermelons weighed close on 21kg and sold for 25cents
  6. A bag of mealie seeds from the Co- op in Bulawayo cost R26
  7. I sold a pint of milk for 10cents and a carton of cream for 25cents.
  8. A hunting license allowing you to hunt a 1 Duiker, 2 Hartebeest, 4 Impala, 2 Springbuck, 1 Steenbok, 1 Tsessebe, 3 Warthogs, 2 wildebeest, 1Wild Pig and 1 Zebra cost R10. A Buffalo cost R20 and an Elephant R50. A tribal license, which had 6 of each as, mentioned except for a zebra and a wild pig cost R2.
  9. The transfer fees etc. for the small holding I purchased was only R331.77cents.
  10. The small holding with a primitive house, large dam, borehole with a pump and motor, 20 Jersey cows, a Jersey bull, some fowls and a section under Lucerne cost me R6000. To-day you can only buy a Jersey cow for that price.


  1. R97.30cents per night including dinner and breakfast for two at the Chimanimani Hotel.
  2. R261.20cents for three nights including dinner, breakfast, laundry and bar for two at Inn on the Vumba
  3. R38 for a chalet at Lake McIllwaine (Chivero) for 3 nights.
  4. R21 for two three course lunches at Troutbeck Inn. A cup of coffee to-day costs close on R10
