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Outstanding Membership Applications
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TOPIC: Outstanding Membership Applications

Outstanding Membership Applications 15 years, 8 months ago #3161

At the moment we have 8 applications for membership that are outstanding. This is because the email address has not been verified, the first step of registration. We have not had acknowledgements from:

Peter Bromfield
Monalisa Louisa Babo
Jill Dianne Gault
Paul Andrew Ratigan
Gary Horner
Cathrine Nelson
John Henry Benjamin Smit
Rory Davies

  1. If you are listed please get in touch with us, management.team at zambiaworldwide.org. This will confirm your email address and allow us to activate your membership.
  2. If you know any of the above and are able to contact them please let them know that we are awaiting confirmation

I have tried emailing them, some have bounced others just no reaction.
Hartley Heaton
Livingstone 1952-1955, Lusaka 1955 - 1978
Hartbeestpoort Dam, South Africa
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Re:Outstanding Membership Applications 15 years, 7 months ago #3773

There are currently 13 people that have applied for membership that have not been approved.

If you have applied but have not yet received approval please look in your mail inbox, or possibly your spam, for an email from the site requesting that you verify your email address.

Click on the link provided and we will then process your application as soon as possible.

The following are a list of the people awaiting approval. If you are in touch with any of them please let them know that we are awaiting their response.

Peter Bromfield
Jill Dianne Gault
Paul Andrew Ratigan
Cathrine Nelson
rory davies
john cooper mcgregor
Norma Anne Massnie
Craig George McLaren
Thomas William Eva
Ricki Knoetze
valerie hackett
bill cruickshank

The applications date from the 9th June to the 7th August.

If your name is listed above but you have not got our email please contact us managementteam at zambiaworldwide.org

Thank you
Hartley Heaton
Livingstone 1952-1955, Lusaka 1955 - 1978
Hartbeestpoort Dam, South Africa
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Re:Outstanding Membership Applications 15 years, 2 months ago #5691

Sorry I have not been up to date with details of Outstanding Membership applications.

Since my last post another 12 applicants have been added to the list, there are now 25 applications that have not been approved. In every case it is because we have not heard back from them to verify their email address. The earliest application was in June last year, the latest is today so I will probably get the email confirmation later today.

If you have applied but have never received an email approving your application please contact me (hartley at zambiaworldwide dot org) and I will sort things out for you.
Hartley Heaton
Livingstone 1952-1955, Lusaka 1955 - 1978
Hartbeestpoort Dam, South Africa
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